sabato 10 novembre 2012

il twee pop era musica indie

Poi scopri gruppi morti che nessuno nemmeno sa che sono morti perché non sa nemmeno che sono esistiti ma che avrebbero segnato la tua esistenza in un altro periodo cruciale della tua vita, ma così vanno le cose...  

le misere informazioni raccolte... 

The Carousel were an English indie-pop/folk band that existed from 1989-1994. It's key players were Elizabeth Price (ex-Talulah Gosh vocals and guitar) and Gregory Webster (ex-Razorcuts). Elizabeth would write all the songs. Other musicians, mostly ex-Goshies, would guest-appear from time to time. Elizabeth's idea was to fuse old English tunes and imagery with indie pop sensibilities. The songs were laid bare, no bass or drums, just vocals and guitars ringing and chiming as if recorded in a cathedral to give a pure and religious feel. The lyrics invoked days of yore, scenes from the village green and a time when people died regularly from broken hearts. The songs bordered on nursery rhymes for disaffected teenagers. All are steeped in sadness and inevitable loss...

da qui ai Talulah Gosh il passo è, dunque, brevissimo (e dolorosissimo)... 

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